The University of Niš was founded in 1965 as a state HE institution. It is a medium-sized, mature and well developed academic community, comprising 14 faculties: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Occupational Safety, Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Physical Culture, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Faculty of Technology and Faculty of Education. The fourteenth – Faculty of Agriculture has recently been founded and it is expected to enrol first generation of students in the academic year 2018/2019. Most of those faculties have composite structure, i.e. various departments, divisions or majors, offering wide and diversified study and research opportunities at both undergraduate and graduate level, including opportunities to obtain a PhD degree. The University of Niš presently has 24648 students at all levels of studies, 1612 teaching staff and 727 administrative and support staff.
UNI has significant experience in international programs such as Tempus, Erasmus, FP6 and FP7. Within the EM ECW program, the University of Niš entered the exchange of students and teaching staff in 2008 as a partner in the Project BASILEUS. In 2011, UNI became a consortium member of the Project EM2STEM. University of Niš also became partner of other Erasmus Mundus programmes, such as SIGMA, ERAWEB, EUROWEB. Currently, the University is involved in the following programs: ERASMUS+, EUROWEB+, GREEN-TECH, CEEPUS and HORIZON 2020.

One of the leading principles of the University of Niš is to become a part of the European higher education area and to adjust its plans and programs against this aim, in the context of the reform of higher education system within the EU projects and other programs. For more information about the University of Niš please visit
The team from UNI responsible for the implementation of the proposed project consists mainly of teachers from the Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics. More than 45 years the faculty performs studies in the field of natural and mathematical sciences (mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry, biology, ecology and nature conservation, geography, tourism) and presently has 1926 students, 159 teaching staff, 43 research staff and 59 administrative and support staff. The core team consists of experts for methodology of teaching mathematics, computer science and natural sciences and of IT experts, and also includes experts in the areas of pedagogy, psychology and English language from the Departments of Pedagogy, Psychology and English Language and Literature of the Faculty of Philosophy.
Role in project
UNI will be the project coordinator, responsible for the overall organisation, financial and administrative management of the project.
UNI will be the leader of WP7 (Management) and WP3 (Training of teaching staff), and will be actively engaged in all working packages, where they will perform most of the work. They will also lead some activities in the work packages leaded by other institutions (purchase of equipment, creating and updating the web site of the project, organisation of interproject coaching and external monitoring).
The main tasks of UNI will be those incorporated in the development packages:
- upgrading educational infrastructure necessary for the wider integration of contemporary pedagogical principles and educational technologies in teaching and learning;
- organisation of training courses for teaching staff in pedagogy and methodology of teaching, and in the pedagogical and technical aspect of the use of modern educational technologies;
- designing new/modified master courses and continuing professional development courses in psychology, pedagogy, methodology of teaching, and technology enhanced learning in line with the modern European strategies;
- integration of online technologies into traditional courses, development of systems for electronic testing and formation of online labs.
Application team
- Jelena Ignjatović
- Miroslav Ćirić
- Aleksandra Zarubica
- Ivan Mančev
- Dragan Đorđević
- Vesna Veličković
- Ivana Micić
- Zorana Jančić
- Ivan Stanković
- Gordana Đigić
- Zoran Stanković
- Marija Jovanović
- Jelena Petrović
- Biljana Mišić-Ilić
- Ivan Jocić
- Danica Nikolić Vesković
- Jelisaveta Todorović